陶芸家 宮島將實(月兎窯)の作品を販売するショップです。This website shop is for selling works of
the ceramist Masami Miyajima .
I wedge clay, split firewood, fire the kiln in Mashiko Tochigi Japan feeling four seasons moving in my own studio surrounded woods.
1963 仙台で誕生 Born in Sendai (Japan)
1988 早稲田大学卒業 Graduated Waseda
university Tokyo
1990 渡米遊学 Studied in US
1993 益子古木窯で研修 Studied in Furuki kiln
1994 益子にて独立。以降益子陶器市他各地で個展、グループ展。Started pottery in own studio in Mashiko.then participated Mashiko pottery festival the other ones and solo and group exhibitions.
2009 穴窯築窯 Built Anagama
2015 インターナショナル アート ワークショップに参加 。Participated International Art workshop in Turkey.
2016 日韓交流展(韓国・利川)に出品 Participated Japan Korea exhibition in Korea.
2018 日韓交流展(益子)に出品 Participated Korea Japan exhibition in Mashiko.